Hornet and Wasp Control
Let Pro Pest Care take the sting out of your next backyard barbecue!
Your yard should be your sanctuary. With a little help from the pros, you can enjoy gardening, family picnics, or throwing a ball with your kids, without the sting of hornets or wasps. While wasps may be considered beneficial, no one wants to get stung. In addition to the nuisance, many people are allergic to bee and wasp stings. Wasps can also leave costly damage to your home by building nests under siding. This can lead to rotting wood and invasion by secondary pests. Let Pro Pest Care do the dirty work to get rid of wasps in and around your home.

Yellowjackets are very common problem and can be quite aggressive. Many consider yellowjackets to be one of the most dangerous insects in Maryland because of their aggressive nature and painful sting. Their gold and black appearance makes them readily recognizable. They will build large nests in trees and shrubs, underground, or in spaces in structures. Yellowjackets tend to be unpredictable and territorial. They will readily sting if you get anywhere near their nests. Since they are capable of multiple stings, individuals with wasp allergies should exercise extreme caution. Multiple stings can lead to anaphylactic shock in allergic individuals. Avoid the sting. Call Pro Pest Care.
Most yellowjackets will prey on other insects for most of the year but switch their diet to sugars in late summer and fall. They become more of a hazard during this time by congregating around garbage or food people are enjoying outdoors. Just when it is prime time for crabs in Maryland, it is also the prime time for yellowjackets. Call the pros to take the sting out of your next crab feast.
Paper Wasps
Paper wasps build rather simples nests usually only a single layer called a comb. They usually hang down beneath horizontal surfaces. They prefer places like the eaves of houses and beneath window ledges or porch roofs.
European Hornet
Hornets build large grayish brown structures seen hanging from a tree or bush. These nests resemble a bloated soccer ball or large inverted tear-drop. The European hornet is rather large and the only true hornet in the United States. Hornets are closely related to and resemble yellowjackets in appearance and nature. They don’t build exposed nests but nest in natural cavities in buildings or in hollow trees or tree stumps. They will defend their territory and can be aggressive in defending their nests. Be alert when trimming hedges or bushes, because they might see you before you see their nests. Don’t let wasps take the enjoyment out of yard work. Call the pros at Pro Pest Care.
Mud Daubers
Mud Daubers get their name from the characteristic nests they build of mud. These wasps are frequently seen visiting mud puddles during the summer where they get their mud to make their nests. These nests can be found plastered among rafters of attics, garages, or out-buildings or on the side of buildings. They typically eat spiders. Their nests can attract certain beetles such as cabinet or carpet beetles which can lead to home infestation. For this reason, mud dauber nests should be removed and destroyed after your wasp infestation is under control. Call the pros at Pro Pest Care to wipe out wasps.