Cockroach Control
Cockroaches have been around for a very long time and are known for their ability to adapt and survive. Cockroaches are harmful and are known the transmit dysentery, tapeworms, roundworm, fungus and viruses.

Maryland Cockroach Control
We are experts in cockroach control and extermination. If you have a cockroach problem it is important to act quick before you have a complete infestation on your hands. Call us today for a free pest control evaluation!
The German cockroach is the most common roach in the world. They are commonly associated with restaurants, hotels, nursing homes, and food facilities. They have secretive habits to protect them from detection. They are very active at night and will seek cover if disturbed during the day. They tend to congregate in areas that are attractive to them such as tight hiding spaces with food and moisture.
They breed very fast so can produce multiple generations in a very short time frame. The total life span is about a year but can reproduce every 25 days. While they have wings, they are incapable of flight. They may glide a short distance if threatened.
Cockroaches prefer warm, moist conditions found in kitchens and bathrooms. They are not very cold tolerant so will not survive winter outdoors. Making sure food preparation areas are clean will help prevent infestation. Be sure to seal cracks and crevices. Since cockroaches are omnivorous, they will also scavenge paper and cloth if piles of newspaper or clothes are left around.
Our tolerance for cockroaches is zero. Any sign of a cockroach infestation necessitates treatment. Because they can quickly reproduce, home do-it-yourself treatments are not recommended. Bombs can be highly toxic to humans and pets so it is better left to professionals. Cockroach infestation does not necessarily indicate poor sanitation. Once the population has established, sanitation alone will not eradicate it. Good sanitation is extremely important though, for effective long term management. Vacuuming will not eliminate an infestation but is a very useful management tool to reduce the population and remove harmful allergens. Inspection and communication are key components of a successful program. Avoid the roach. Call the pros at Pro Pest Care.