Bee Control & Removal
Bees are not only a nuisance but can be a danger for your home and can be especially dangerous for children and small pets. Bees can sometimes be very aggressive when protecting their hive. That is why it is important when dealing with stinging insects to call a licensed pest control professional for bee removal services.

Maryland Bee Removal Services
Pro Pest Care LLC bee removal services not only gets rid of current infestations. We will use the latest pest control technology and treatment options to insure the bees don’t come back.
Bumble bees
Bumblebees have a classic fuzzy yellow and black appearance. While cute, they can also pack a nasty sting. These are social insects that live in nests made in the ground or in soft materials in a barn or shed. They will nest in abandoned mouse burrows under piles of grass clippings or leaves, stones, or logs. They can be a problem when their nests are close to sidewalks or near the foundation of your home. When their nest is threatened, bumblebees will attack and sting as their defense. Avoid the sting and call the pros at Pro Pest Care.
Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees are often mistaken for bumblebees. Their abdomen, however, is not fuzzy, just black and shiny. They are typically found in the spring and early summer. Male carpenter bees will hover around and chase off intruders, including humans. Though aggressive, they are harmless because they lack a sting. Despite their lack of stinging, it is still imperative to eliminate carpenter bees due to their ability to damage structural wood. They will tunnel into wood to lay eggs. They will bore into wood on houses, barns, decks, and fences, and in dead tree limbs. Although they do not “eat” wood, their burrowing can still create serious damage. Contrary to popular belief, staining or painting wood will not protect it from carpenter bees, although bare wood is preferred. These bees will return to the same wood year after year to drill nests and lay eggs. They can cause repeat damage if left untreated. Protect your home. Call the pros at Pro Pest Care.
Honey bees are generally a harmless insect but will sting if you get too close to their hive. Honey bees are social insects that live in hollows such as old trees, attics, and soffits. They are not as fuzzy in appearance as bumblebees. Their nests are made of complex wax combs that can easily house 20,000-50,000 bees! Their social behavior is highly evolved. In addition to feeding the larvae, workers also amass reserve supplies of honey, which can be used as food by all members of the colony during periods of stress. Unlike other bees, they do not hibernate in the winter so annual re-establishment does not limit their colonies. The most serious problems result when a swarm of honey bees locate a small opening in an exterior wall, down a chimney, or behind exterior flashing of a home and then nests in a wall void or some other interior area. If honey bees become well established within wall voids of a house, large amounts of wax and honey may collect within a wall. If warm weather exists, the wax can melt and seep through porous walls or absorbed by plaster creating a mess. The presence of honey can also attract other insects to infest your home. This is why it is important to remove nests after the bee colony is under control. Avoid the headaches and just call the pros at Pro Pest Care.